Tuesday 16 June 2009

More police brutality

Nottingham police have been busy in recent weeks.

First we read about the case of Reece Staples, 19, who was arrested on suspicion of causing criminal damage.

Reese, a former Nottingham Forest midfielder, was taken to Oxclose Lane Police Station. At 5am the police called an ambulance, finding him to be unwell - he was pronounced dead when he arrived at the hospital.

This story is all too common, and is similar to the story of Sean Rigg, who also died in highly suspicious circumstances having been taken to a police station in South London.

Today reports come out of the police Tasering and allegedly beating an apparently unarmed man in Nottingham.

Both incidents have been reported to the IPCC - which has a 100% record of protecting the police involved in such cases of brutality.

This is why UCAPV is organising protests at the IPCC offices around the country on 10 July. More details will follow, but get in touch with the campaign if you can help us build it.

1 comment:

  1. The Founding Fathers sought to create a "government of laws, not of men." A key principle of this doctrine is that no person is above the law — that every government employee must obey the same laws that government imposes on private citizens. Unfortunately, when it comes to police brutality, politicians, judges, and police bureaucrats have often miserably failed to protect the American public. According to a recent Amnesty International study, there are thousands of reports each year of assault and ill treatment against officers who use excessive force and violate the human rights of their victims (AIUSA Rights 1999:1). Police officers are injuring and even killing people through the use of excessive force and brutal treatment. A significant problem in this area is that police behavior is abusive of civilian rights, but it is also considered necessary and appropriate police procedure (Geller, 1996:7). In many cases police go too far when they excessively punch, kick, beat, and shoot people who pose no threat. Injuries and sometimes death result from the police use of restraints, chemical sprays, electro-shock weapons, batons, dogs, flashlights, radios, and guns (AIUSA Rights 1999:1-3). Police brutality cases have received more attention due to some of the high profile cases that reach the media. The use of excessive force is a criminal act, it is in fact a type of white collar crime. If you think you might have undergoing with police brutality and you need to see your guidance cash advance provider, you should call ahead and let them know. That way, precautions can be taken to avoid excessive use of police power.
